Congratulations to Eleanor Fuller, who is celebrating 10 years with RB+B Architects!

Deep Dive with Eleanor: “What book, movie, play, or music has changed your outlook on life?”

One movie that really impacted me is the 2015 documentary “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things”. I have never liked tchotchkes and clutter and always felt uncomfortable with extra “stuff” around the house. Before I saw this movie, I thought it was simply an organization issue. I would clean and put everything back in place, only to find the house in disarray again a few weeks later. This movie taught me that every object we own takes our time and resources to maintain—and we can get by with so much less! The problem can’t be solved with organization. It has to be solved by limiting our constant consumerism.

If you visited my house today, you wouldn’t think we are minimalists, but we do make a conscious effort to avoid impulse purchasing. When we do need something, we try to find it secondhand or will buy a good quality item that will last a long time. I credit this documentary with totally changing our mindset!